Home » Return policy
Our return policy is applicable for 14 days following your purchase from our online store. If 14 days pass since you purchased a product, we cannot provide you with an option of refund or exchange.
Once you return the item and receive it, we inspect it and notify you through email that we have received your item for return. We also send you a notification regarding your refund’s rejection or approval.
If we approve your refund, we process it and transfer the credit to your credit card automatically or through the original payment method within the specific period.
We provide refunds only on regular items. Unfortunately, we do not offer a refund on the sales items.
We only provide item replacement if they have any defects or damage. If you want to exchange the item with the similar one, then you can contact us via email and mail your article to this address: team@yumaincare.com
If the item is labeled as a gift when you purchased it from our store and shipped to you directly, we provide you with a gift card with the same value as your returned gift. Once we receive the gift item, we email you the gift certificate at your provided email address.
If the item purchased wasn’t labeled as a gift when you bought it or ordered it to be shipped to yourself to give it as a gift later, we send a refund to you and send the return details to whom you have given the gift item.
EU address:
Muziejaus g. 29, Telšiai, 87356 Telšių r. sav., Lithuania
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